Library Statistics

KendriyaVidyalaya  No -02, Bikaner
केन्द्रीय विद्यालय क़॰ 02 बीकानेर
Session 2019-20
Library Statistics
1.  Total number of books as per the stock register : 12460
2.  Number of books physically present:8773
3.  Number of Text books     : 813
4.  Number of Reference Books                 : 2750
5.  Number of General Books : 2174
6.  Number of books for Primary Class libraries : 3459
7.  Number of Books accessed during the period :189(Ac. N0- 12272-12460)
8.  Amount spent:Rs. 8895
 9.Stock verification & Writing off
Number of Books written off during (2017-18):   NIL (Stock Verification has been done and list has been prepared for written off)
Books amounting -Rs. 27741

Total number of student users:906(As per 30/11//2019 strength)

1.   Class Libraries (Class I-V) : 379
2.   Secondary (Class VI-XII) : 527

Total number of staff users:33

1.  Number and percentage of collection issued on a given day : 50 books/day
2.    Number of books issued during a stated period : 2220 books
( 01 April 2019 to 10 Dec 2019)
3.  Average books issued per user per unit time: 2 books/2 Weeks
4.  Number of recommendations received for purchase of books per year:  30-50

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